These two little cuties,what we call 泥娃娃.The Chinese pottery handicraft.You gave me during our class in Form Three.I remember, it was at Cemerlang.You questioned us,what is the synonym of the word ''mengekalkan''. It was the time you were back from a vacation to China.To encourage us,you said anyone else who strikes the correct answer will be gifted a little souvenir.Eventually,I turned out to be the fortunate one.
Because of you,I always remember to utilize this word in my essays.
For now,''Sebagai bunga bangsa yang berkaliber,kami akan menggemblengkan tenaga dan kudrat untuk melestarikan semangat dedikasi yang selama ini diamalkan oleh Cikgu Tan dan tidak sesekali lupa akan obligasi yang digalas pada pundak kami untuk mengkristalkan visi dan misi negara.''
Thank you,teacher.
You are doing well,over there,aren't you?
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